For the purpose of
making a contribution to the business and academic communities, Japan Society of Organization and Accounting (JSOA) is committed to
publishing the book series, coherently
entitled Japanese Management and
International Studies, with
refereed system.
Focusing on Japan and
Japan-related issues, the series is designed to inform the world about research
outcomes of the new “Japanese-style management system” developed in Japan. It
includes the Japanese version of management systems developed abroad. In
addition, it publishes research by foreign scholars and concerning foreign
systems that constitute significant points of comparison with the Japanese

"Japanes Management and International
Vol. 1 Value-Based Management of the Rising Sun (Japan) Vol. 2 Japanese Management Accounting Today Vol. 3 Japanese Project Management Vol. 4 International Management Accounting in Japan Vol. 5 Business Process Management of Japanese and Korean Companies Vol. 6 M&A for Value Creation in Japan Vol. 7 Business Group Management in Japan Vol. 8 Management of an Inter-Firm Network Vol. 9 Management of Service Business in Japan Vol. 10 Management of Enterprise Crises in Japan Vol. 11 Entrepreneurship in Asia Vol. 12 Lean Management of Global Supply Chain Vol. 13 Management of Innovation Strategy in Japanese Companies Vol. 14 Holistic Business Process Management Vol. 15 Fixed Revenue Accounting: A New Management Accounting Framework Vol. 16 Sustainability Management and Business Strategy in Asia Vol. 17 Management Control Systems For Strategic Changes: Applying To Dematurity And Transformation Of Organizations Vol. 18 Management Accounting for Healthcare
Vol.19 Revenue Management Theory and Practice: Theoretical and Empirical Research Vol.20 Sustainability Management and Network Management Vol.21 Integrated Power of Management Control Systems in Japan